Friday, February 09, 2007

Why Grey's Anatomy is Still Annoying...

I remember when ER used to do their special events. Like the time they were redeeming George Clooney's character for like the thousandth time, Doug really was kind of an arse, and he saved those kids trapped in a sewer drain pipe thing. But this episode was just utterly ridiculous. Why? Let me tell you...

Meredith: Well generally, I believe her character was created with the specific purpose of annoying me. She's a doctor. She should help people. They are bleeding bodies all over the place, and all she is doing is trying to take a non-hurt little girl to triage. Please. I get the kid needs her mom, and some how this all relates to Meredith's mommy issues, and she is projected on the girl, blah blah blah... but honestly get it together already. People are dying! And that whole thing at the end where she falls into the harbor. Ok, she is skinny as a stick, but reflexes force you to tread water, well I guess they force everyone except Meredith Grey to tread water. And all the drama around her fall, please, god does not love me enough to kill her off the show.

Christina: I gotta say, I used to love the girl. Sure she was a type-A, uber-competitive freak, but hell, I can relate to that. I mean, I am Asian too. But her entitlement issues are really beginning to irk me. Ok, so you are engaged and formally Prestina, but you don't want to tell anyone really, but you do want to be reap all the benefits of being Burke's butt buddy. Honestly. I am glad Burke, the gayhatemongerer, told Christina she was not needed and that she better go suture up some patients. Christina needs someone to teach her her place.

Addison: Ok. I am still totally jealous of the red hair and the fact that she got to hook up with McSteamy, but I wish she would stop drooling (literally!) over Alex. Yes, he was a Calvin Klein model, but technically not on this show, and if you evaluate by those merits alone, I am not sure he qualifies for super hot status - yet! We need women who do not have relationship issues, and now that they have effectively turned Addison into the brainless, hospital whore (she is definitely giving Meredith a run for her money), the only respectable woman left is Bailey.

Izzy: The show was actually so friggin' bad, one of the only likable characters was Izzy. Shit!

Don't worry there is plenty more hate to go around. But apparently, there are two more weeks of this story arc to go, so I will save some of it for next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree, that whole thing with Meredith was stupid. And based on the previews for next week's show, the amount of time that she spends in the water seems exorbitantly long. Anyone else would have drowned, but not Meredith Grey.

I still like Alex, George, McSteamy and Bailey. Sure McDreamy is annoying but at least he looks good :)