Monday, January 09, 2006

The Ten Things I Hate About You

It would have been great if I had saved this for Valentine's Day or something like it. But since Alito will likely be confirmed or denied by then, I'll have to think of something equally ironic for next month.

So in case you are wondering why I hate the Princeton educated, wunderkind, also known as Scalito. Here's why...
  1. Member of the he-man woman hater club*. This is a 3-in-1 reason.
    • According to Alito, "the constitution does not protect the right to an abortion"
    • The law requiring women to inform their husbands of their intent to get an abortion does not pose an undue burden. Hello!! This has so many holes in it, it's like Swiss cheese.
    • Although he doesn't believe Roe v. Wade can be overturned unilaterally, he believes (hopes?) that over time it can be limited to such a point that it can be overruled. Sneaky, very sneaky.
  2. Member of the Concerned Alumni of Princeton. They were anti-coeducation. If Alito and his CAP friends had their way, I would not have been able to attend Princeton. What a bum!
  3. Likes stripping. Let me clarify. He likes/approves of strip-searching little 10 -year old girls. Not cool. I wonder what his stance on pornography is...
  4. Not all votes are created equal. The idea of "one person, one vote" is firmly ingrained in American culture. But apparently not in the mind of Judge Alito. He does not believe in reapportionment. Rather he wants to drag us back to a place where special interests control the government. Hmmm... is that not what is happening now? We really do not need a justice who turns a blind eye to graft. And we certainly do not need a justice who would validate the creation of system that makes one man's vote worth more than another's.
  5. And let there be immunity for all politicians who violate the constitutional rights of their constituents. According to Alito, Big Brother should not be punished for unwarranted wiretapping. Rather they should be awarded "absolute immunity". One might be able to swallow such a ruling if it had been against suspected criminals but this ruling was against peace activists. Apparently, flower power can hurt. And, in Alito's day, it is clear that Orwell was not required reading.
  6. Checks and balances without the checks and balances. The federal system of checks and balances is one of the first things taught in History and Government classes. Not to be repetitive, but did Alito miss this class too? Stomping on Congressional authority and creating a lame duck court is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind, but I am sure it is what Bush&Co. had in mind. (Personally I am still trying to understand if Alito is a member of the Michigan militia: (1) ruled against machine gun ban, (2) wants to curtail Congressional power, but then he also wants an executive branch on steroids... go figure. Maybe it just means he wants Arnold to run for president).
  7. Smell the smog. Alito grew up in New Jersey, and, hence, perhaps understandably doesn't have the greatest appreciation for fresh air. However, that does not give him cause to allow companies to violate the Clean Air Act. Given his known lack of respect for Congressional authority and his history of rulings, it is unlikely that he will be in favor of any environmental legislation that appears before the court.
Other people who hate Alito include...
Alito's America

* I first of this club when I watched "Little Rascals", but their club was cute. They just didn't want to kiss girls.

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