Friday, January 13, 2006


For some reason, my brain has been thinking about too many times at the same time today. Here they are in no particular order...
  • Why does Alito take so long to answer questions? Everyone would respect him more if he just copped to being anti-abortion, but said he understood being a justice was not about his personal views. As it is, everyone knows what he is thinking because the man ain't got a poker face.
  • Could Alito turn in to David Souter Jr.? That's my dream.
  • Was there hanky-panky going on this fall behind "the Chin's" (that's Jennifer Aniston for those of you who can't figure it out) back? The Brangelina baby is due this Summer. If summer equals June, that baby was conceived in October when Brad filed for divorce.
  • Beauty and the Geek. Everything about it is just wrong. Ashton Kutcher is producing it. The WB is airing it. And socially-inept, engineering boys and women who apparently have little to wear and dubious intelligence are sharing bedrooms. What good can come of this I ask you? Probably none, but I find it ridiculously amusing.
  • Can Bushie be run out of Office? If high school girls can chase out of New Orleans, the possibility should be investigated.
  • Can Condi not shut up about Iran? There is a country that hates us and is run by a short, little, egomaniacal man who likes sunglasses, Swedish models, and playing with nuclear weapons. Kim Jung-Il. We should take care of him before we start playing hardball with Iran. As if they would listen to us anyway. I suppose with the new powers the Roberts Court + Alito will give him, Bushie could try to invade Iran, but we may have run out of soldiers. Perhaps the real issue is that Condi and Kim go to Ferragamo together unbeknownst to the rest of us.
  • Oh, I wish Alito's wife would "put a cork in it". I mean honestly, the Senator's were not that hard on her husband. And quite frankly it's his own fault for not answering the questions openly and belonging to women-hating clubs like CAP. Besides, Mrs. Alito, how many times have your husband's rulings made other people cry?

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