Friday, December 02, 2005

What do Michael Crichton and George Bush have in common?

Global warming. It's what Michael Crichton and George Bush have in common.

After the Jurassic Park series, biologically flawed as it was, one might ostensibly have assumed that Michael Crichton understood science and facts to some vague degree. After all he is a Harvard educated medical doctor. Perhaps this suggests that Harvard doctors, or even doctors in general, are not all that they are cracked up to be. In his latest science "thriller", State of Fear, Crichton explores the world of environmental terrorism. Furthermore, he supposes that global warming doesn't exist and was in fact invented by liberal scientists as opposed to being based in any sort of scientific reality. Next thing you know he'll be writing a biblical thriller, Adam and His Eve, suggesting that evolution was a figment of Wallace and Darwin's imagination.
If the book alone was not egregious enough, Crichton was actually requested to testify in front of the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works by Senator Inhofe (R-Ok). Crichton a fiction novelist was asked to provide testimony on how global warming and other environmental concerns are mere "hoaxes". So Inhofe is a Republican from Oklahoma (note: Oklahoma is right next to Kansas where they don't believe in evolution - as such one may deem Inhofe worthy of some slack) and may be forgiven his foolishness for this very reason. But Crichton deserves no such forgiveness.

Like Crichton, Bush disregards global warming as smoke-and-mirror parlor tricks developed by scientists. It's worth checking out his record on Kyoto and other international environmental agreements. More generally consider Bush's record on the environment from the Clean Air Act to drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge to key governmental appointments. It is apparent that Bush the down on the farm, one with nature guy is nothing but a phony just like Michael Crichton.

For some laughs at Bush's expense check out this video clip thanks to Will Ferrell and AOL.

I am well aware that this is old news, but I feel compelled to mention it again, lest more of my unsuspecting friends end up buying Crichton's utterly baseless and propaganda-rich novels.


Mango Kiwi said...

i like that clip. it is really funny. will ferrell can be so funny sometimes and so obnoxious at others. he generally does a really good impersonation of george w. bush.

Mango Kiwi said...

yeah i still can't get over the fact that michael crichton (of all people!) was as to testify as if he were some sort of expert on global warming. he is as much of a scientist as dan brown is a physicist/historian/cryptographer.