Thursday, December 08, 2005

Random Musings on Harry Potter

So I have to admit that I am not a Harry Potter fan, but before you starting booing and hissing and hitting the back button, let me explain. Generally, I still do not think J.K.Rowlings books are as phenomenal as her sales have been. But that being said, I really liked book six (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince) and the latest movie.

I feel compelled to write tonight, because I just finished watching The Goblet of Fire for the 1.5th time. I had seen it first over Thanksgiving at the IMAX. It was all very exciting until the power went out in the last ten minutes and I was forced to wonder what happened. Well I found out today, and let me tell you I didn't miss much. But Ralph Fiennes is cool as Voldemort. They can't make The Half Blood Prince into a movie soon enough for my taste. Because then we can see the pretty Ralph Fiennes before his nose disappeared and he became the Lord of Darkness.

So I am at a loss for why I am suddenly infatuate with Harry Potter (the books not the boy mind you). Perhaps it is because the books have finally grown more dark? they are a little more grown-up? there is some real symbolism? (the latter was probably a stretch.) Or perhaps it is because I grew up on The Chronicles of Narnia and the Harry Potter novels are only now finally reaching the show down of good vs. evil that came in the first Narnia book: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

It seems that there are several theories on what will happen in book seven:
  1. Harry is a horcrux (or so says my sister). But then to kill Voldemort, wouldn't Harry have to kill himself? And wouldn't that be too sad for a children's book?
  2. Snape will be redeemed. I feel kind of bad for Snape. He was bullied as a child and now wears all black. He clearly isn't a very happy individual. Maybe Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him.
  3. Harry will have to work with Regulus Black who he hates (I guess because he was a death eater) to destroy all the horcruxes. (My friend told me that. I didn't even realize there was a Regulus - clearly I wasn't that into the early books)
  4. Ron and Hermoine will get married? Ew. Gross. Ron was clearly going through his awkward phase during The Goblet of Fire movie.
  5. Bellatrix LeStrange will get a beat down.


Anonymous said...

Is there really any symbolism in Harry Potter? I don't think so. You can't even argue that there is the classic symbolism of "good vs. evil" because the character of Harry Potter has become darker and still has yet to become its darkest.
I can't wait to see the Chronicles of Narnia. Apparently it is supposed to target both Christians and non-Christians, so it should be interesting to see how they manged that.

Mango Kiwi said...

sonia, sonia, sonia....

oh god, i am pulling a tom cruise, but regulus black is dead. hence harry cannot work with him.

HARRY IS NOT A HORCRUX!!! don't be dumb. people aren't horcruxes... it's even dangerous for animals to be horcruxes, let alone people!