Thursday, December 08, 2005

My Favorite Cabinet Members

Donald Rumsfeld - fellow Princeton grad, Class of '54 - is leaving office?

It is a day many of us, myself included, have been hoping and praying for, but now that their appears to me actual momentum, I find myself rather distressed. Word on the Hill is that people are gunning for his job, namely Joe Lieberman. Now I am not a huge fan of Rummy, but this is ridiculous. As a former opponent of the Bush-Cheney consortium in 2000, how can Lieberman even consider being their Secretary of War? (Dumb question seeing as how he actually wanted to create a Department of War.) Although one shouldn't be too surprised given the drivel that is coming out of his mouth these days, case in point,

"It is time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that he will be commander in chief for three more critical years and that in matters of war we undermine presidential credibility at our nation's peril."
If the president and his administration were more open and upfront about their rationale for war, among other things, one would not be forced to question his motives/credibility. Lieberman should start acting like a Democrat and leave the Democrat-bashing to his friend the roach killer (Tom DeLay). Otherwise, I say hit the road Jack, it looks like the Gov. is gunning for your job anyway.

Condoleezza (I have a gap between my two front teeth) Rice - former professor of International Relations at Stanford and current agitator for rendition - planning a run for president?

So this isn't actually new news. But when Dr. Rice said,

"The US does not permit, tolerate or condone torture under any circumstances."
It made me wonder if she was (1) dim, after all the whole point of rendition is to outsource terror or (2) brainwashed - remember this is the woman who once referred to GW as her husband. In either case, she is not presidential material.

However, in defense of her Ferragamo wearing self, I think Bush-Cheney, Gonzales, and Ashcroft so thoroughly blurred the lines of what torture is that under current law what happened to John McCain would probably no longer be considered torture. And that my friends is just plain dirty.

I took this picture from the Slate political cartoon website.

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