Sunday, February 25, 2007

Football, Basketball, Oh My

Clearly, I am not as bright as I thought I was when it comes to sports...

I only just discovered that Andre Rison, of Left Eye fame, played for Michigan State. This is so weird to me, in large part because he made some clutch plays during the only Rose Bowl trip State made in my life time. I remember so much of that game, where I watched it, running around in circles when USC came back and it looked like State would lose, Lorenzo White, like the best running back MSU ever had. But how could I forget Andre Rison, especially since Plaxico could not break his career record, his name must have come up all the time with sport commentators. Clearly I am losing it...

I want to point out yet again how much I despise certain NBA players, who are seemingly only in the game for the money. Case in point Ben Wallace. Of all the teams to trade yourself to... the Bulls? The bloody, flippin' Bulls? It is ridiculous. Just like his hair and the new NBA cheerleader commercials airing on ABC.

Michigan State beat Indiana last night, but nearly gave me a case of heart palpitations in the process. I had not realized that IU has not beaten Michigan State at the Breslin since 1991. Wow! Talk about your droughts. I gotta say though, the fact that the sports commentators kept bringing it up really did scare me.

Apparently, Minnesota is desperately seeking a coach. Monson was given the boot a few months ago. Personally, I feel kind of bad for the guy, Clem Haskins did a number on the program. But now the Gophers want Flip Saunders to save their basketball program. I have mixed feelings about this. I was definitely not thrilled when the Pistons hired Saunders, I mean he couldn't get the Timberwolves a title with their very legitimately good players and Ben Wallace left (perhaps an unrelated event). But I like seeing some year-to-year consistency, I don't want the Pistons to be left in the lurch again.

Talk about craziness... Nick Saban, aka. the turncoat, is back to coaching college football... at 'Bama. I wonder how all those LSU fans feel about that... someone is going to be getting a lot of hate mail! Muhahahhaa!

Who thinks Tommy Ammaker is going to be fired this year? I think if Michigan does not make a serious run in the tournament this year, his job may well be "endangered".

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