Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Breaking News...

Well talk about shockers. John McCain finally, formally announced that he would run for President. Please like there were any doubts? I thought the Bush/Cheney ass-kissing done of late was all testament to his desire to win a Republican nomination. But personally I wouldn't want to listen to anything coming out of his lips... who knows where they have been.

According to my favorite news outlet, People, Posh Spice is all set to have her own new show. Allegedly, it is all set to focus on the life and times of Posh Spice. But there are numerous directions a show like this could go in.

(1) What do washed up Brits like Posh and Becks do when they hit the mean streets of LA?
(2) Is there such a thing as too much plastic surgery?
(3) Can white, British, ex-Spice girls really rap?

So everyone I know seems to adore Grey's Anatomy. But honestly, since the end of the first season I have just not been that into it. I was hoping against hope that Meredith would die at the end of the 3-part arc, but clearly the Fates are working against me. So here are some things I propose to the writers of the show to get me to start watching again.
  1. Meredith dies. Yeah, I know it's not going to happen. They never kill the title character, except that one time on Dallas, but then they turned that whole season into a dream sequence. I will continue dreaming...
  2. More McSteamy. 'Cuz I just think he's pretty hot. So he's an arrogant bastard, but I kind of wish I had gone to med school if the real world makes doctor's that look like him.
  3. Christina having a Prestina baby and then getting a sex change. Let's face it, she totally wears the pants in any relationship. Did Christina even show up to last season's prom in a dress? Dude, the lady's a man.
  4. George being gay. Every drama needs it's requisite gay character, even Desperate Housewives has one. If you compare George to Christina, he is definitely a girl. His brothers certainly seem to think so. Every woman on the show bullies him, especially Izzie. He's wife is larger than him. It all makes sense.
  5. Izzie turning into a Dr. Kevorkian like character. I mean she already "killed" one patient. This could be like a serial killer plot line. All daytime soaps seem to have them, why not test it out in primetime.
  6. Alex's sperm come back to haunt him. It turns out he has fathered like 20 children in the greater Seattle area. Hey. It fits his real life story. And it would likely also kill any chance of Addisex. How awesome would it be if Addison was the OB-GYN for all of Alex's illegitimates? Talk about buzz kill.

What do you think? Have better suggestions?

And history appears to be repeating itself... just like Bush Sr. failed the read my lips test on taxes, so to did Junior fail to find the oft cited uranium in Iraq. And now, in what amounts to be one of the administrations biggest take backs, it appears that the North Korean nuclear arms program is not nearly as far along as the administration has led us to believe. When are the guys in Washington going to realize that the semi-lucid, very insane despots who run these countries are prone to saying random and crazy things to further consolidate what limited power they have. I mean seriously...

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