Sunday, October 29, 2006

Weekend Recap

I spent the weekend in Vermont. The middle of nowhere Vermont, but I still managed to keep up with all the important stuff!

College Football
* Michigan State lost again! and this time to Indi-frickin'-ana. I don't know what to say anymore, other than that this sucks big time.
* And just to spite me, the football gods made Princeton lose this weekend to Cornell which had yet to win an Ivy League game this year. Still there is hope. Yale (currently on top) still has to play both Princeton and Harvard.
* Oh happy days. USC finally lost. This day has been a long time coming, and they are lucky it didn't happen earlier this month. But I do take some perverse pleasure in the fact that their loss came to an essentially no name Oregon State. There is justice!

Desperate Housewives
* Oooh that Orson Hodge is a bad apple, and he just keeps getting badder. I liked him a lot better when he was Charlotte's husband on SatC, even though he was impotent.
* This must have been the week of the weak men getting back bones, because finally Carlos got Gabby good. She better watch out because it looks like her soon to be ex- is on the war path.

* Remember the 'yep, yep' aliens from Sesame Street? They were awesome. Check them out on You Tube.


Mango Kiwi said...

i actually like orson on DH. you need to have some bad characters. he was kind of annoying on sex and the city. i don't know what charlotte saw in him.

i think i like this season of DH so far. i like that edie is with mike and since mike and susan were kind of annoying together. i also liked how carlos stuck it to gaby.

Anonymous said...

I like how when USC loses, they lose big, to crappy no-body in the pac-10. All I want from them now is to beat Notre Lame.
BTW Indiana looks really decent this year (they beat Iowa too), I'm getting slightly nervous. I don't think we can play them with our eyes closed in 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

I HATE Susan. I hate they cutesy-baby way she talks and giggles all the time. Edie is a much cooler character.

sonia said...

I don't like Orson's name. Could you stand being a Mrs. Orson Hodge? And his hair... my god, it's awful.

Edie is definately cooler than Susan. Who wants to bet money that Susan's daughter hooks up with Edie's bad boy nephew and becomes a younger version of Edie. How awesome would that be!

Mango Kiwi said...

I don't think your theory about Susan's daughter is correct. I think that you are right that Julie and Edie's newphew are going to hook up but I don't think Julie will turn into Edie, she's still going to be a good kid. Every good kid needs a bad boy :). I think though that Susan will get pregnant with Ian's kid and then Mike will get his memory back and realize that it's Susan he really loves and hence the love triangle begins.

Mango Kiwi said...

btw, you should write a blog entry analyzing who MSU should hire as their new coach. did you know that john l. smith was fired? i didn't know that. but i guess i'm like the last person to know these things.