Friday, October 27, 2006

Things That Make You Go...


  • The Tigers for mucking it up yet again to go 1-3 in the World Series. In fact they were so bad that they were accused of playing like the "Michigan State football team". The next game is in Detroit, hopefully they will be able to pull something off.

  • Republicans because they exist. In all honesty, it's really hard for me to think of a Republican I actually like amidst all this election year nonsense. Rarely are their ever any positive ads on TV, but I have found a few particularly annoying: Rick Santorum's new ads portraying Bob Casey as an Axis of Evil lover (because clearly all Dems are), Kerry Healey's ad against Devon Patrick is eerily similar to the Willie Horton ad the elder Bush used against Dukakis, the RNC ads against Harold Ford that are clearly in poor taste if not an attempt at race baiting (so much for the Republican outreach, apparently the Southern strategy is alive and well)

  • Bill O'Reilly on Oprah! How can the Queen of Talk even consider giving him such a platform. I hope the audience gives it to him good!


  • Rick Santorum's Lord of the Rings analogy. I am confused. Bush and Cheney are Frodo and Samwise? which is which? Cheney probably bears more of a physical resemblance to Samwise. I wonder if Santorum has heard any of the discussion about Frodo and Sam's "relationship". It could offend his tender sensibilities. Also which character is he? and Ork? Check out Colbert's thoughts on it.

"As the hobbits are going up Mount Doom, the Eye of Mordor is being drawn somewhere else. It's being drawn to Iraq and it's not being drawn to the U.S. You know what? I want to keep it on Iraq. I don't want the Eye to come back here to the United States."

  • The NFL in Los Angeles. The NFL wants a team to move to L.A. in order to keep the number of teams even at 24. Here are the critical questions in my opinions. Which team is going to move? What will their name be? What will their colors be? And what's the price tag? cuz I wanna buy. In all seriousness though, L.A. already has two basketball teams, an ice hockey team, and two baseball teams. They don't need anymore!


  • Barney Frank for saying that when a party is in power for too long it tends to become corrupt regardless of whether they are Republican or Democrat.

  • 'Ugly Betty' for being funny! My new favorite show


Mango Kiwi said...

I hate Rick Santorum, I hope he loses. I think he is a terrible person. I also wonder if Rick Santorum takes into consideration how the ring turns Frodo evil, he can no longer deny the power of the ring and it overcomes him. We should ask dear Rick what he thinks about that?

By the way, I believe it is Deval Patrick and not Devon Patrick.

I too watched Ugly Betty but I thought it kind of dumb. I wonder why she didn't go for that guy in accounting, he was much better looking. Desperate Housewives on the other hand, quality show. I cannot wait for the makeout scene between Edie and Mike.

sonia said...

I forgot about the ring making you evil. But quite frankly, Santorum's statement doesn't make sense if you are a Republican. So in his analogy, the US is Mt. Doom. Well doesn't that mean if Frodo destroys the ring (e.g., the Republicans win the election and destroy the Democrats) that the US comes crumbling down? I mean Mt. Doom exploded at the end of the movie... maybe he didn't watch until the end?

I think Deval is a stupid name, so I changed it to Devon. :)