Monday, July 03, 2006

Blonde Ambition

Do you want to get angry? I recommend reading Ann Coulter's new book, "Godless". I quite innocently assumed this was an autobiography, especially since her visage appears so prominently on the cover. But apparently godless is a reference to liberals -- go figure. Next time she should put Ted Kennedy on the cover.

As a liberal, "Godless" will definitely get you up in arms. But don't buy it! Just go to Barnes&Noble and read it there, scuff up the cover a little while you are at it, draw her a mustache, get creative. The woman is a viper. It's convenient how as she peers down in judgment of us all, yet conveniently forgets to disclose how she grew up in the lap of luxury. She doesn't deserve your hard earned money, considering she has never earned an honest dollar in her life. Peddling vitriol does not count, but seemingly there are some out there willing to keep her book at the top of the non-fiction list. I honestly wish Oprah would invite her on, and publicly skewer her as she did Frei for inaccuracies/lies. Ann Coulter certainly deserves some of the same treatment, but instead she gets invited to sit down with Jay Leno and answer some softball questions.

Still the woman has balls. I wonder how she survived the University of Michigan Law School which is full of godless, treasonous, slanderous liberals. And to think she had to walk the mean streets of Boston when she was trying to cover the Democratic Convention. Not only did she have to contend with the hated liberals, but she also had to deal with the "racists" and the "fascists" of Boston (her words, not mine! I am not even sure how she thought to call people in Boston fascists. Socialists perhaps. But fascists, certainly not.) Yet, to hear her talk you'd think she, not the people of Boston, was a card carrying member for the KKK. People who call Muslims "camel jockeys" and "jihad monkeys" should by no means judge others. I could probably go on and on, but it really serves no purpose. It just feeds the blonde ambition of Ann Coulter. So I will just quietly seethe and wait for her godlessness to be fully revealed.

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