Monday, March 06, 2006

March Madness Is Here Again

There are things to be happy about...
Duke losing to Chapel Hill is definitely one. Although I must confess to being rather torn about it. Duke irritates me. JJ Redick irritates me. Coach K irritates me. But Roy Williams irritates me even more. Can you even manage the level of irritation I am talking about? I mean, who does he think he is to diss Big Ten hoops? On the whole, I guess I am pleased to see Duke get another loss, although in all likelihood, they still have a lock on the No. 1 Seed. And as far as UNC goes, the win is symbolic more than anything... What the heck is a TarHeel anyway? Please clarify.

Then there are things to be unhappy about...
Princeton posting one of its worst seasons ever - (1) the lowest point total ever in history and (2) being 3 games behind Penn. Hopefully, they will regroup in the off-season and make this Tiger proud!
State is tied with Michigan in the Big Ten. How did this happen? Sure we played a harder schedule. Sure Trannon was out. Sure everyone likes to pick on Paul Davis and Ager doesn't always bring his game. But come on! Michigan has been nothing since the demise of the Fab Five, and I'd like it to stay that way. This state is not big enough for two schools to both be good at basketball (or football for that matter, where we have kindly ceded to the Wolverines).

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