Thursday, December 29, 2005

Tyra Banks is SO Sensitive

Don't ask me why, but today I decided to watch the Tyra Banks Show. I must confess to being an occasional watcher of America's Next Top Model. But who doesn't like to see pretty, stupid girls being taken down a notch or two. Plus its just so comical and absurd you can't help yourself. The Tyra Banks Show however, is a bit different. This is Tyra trying to channel Oprah and being the Earth Mother Goddess type. On today's rerun she was all about sympathizing with fat people (or to be PC - the morbidly obese). This is totally Oprah territory and girlfriend better know what she's doing.

In today's episode, Tyra donned a fat suit that turned her into a 350lbs. big woman. She rode mass transit and lived as the little people do and was shocked, horrified, and in tears to discover not everyone would bow down to her when she was in a fat suit. Poor Tyra was so distraught that her overweight guests had to console. Then Tyra and her fat suit went on a bunch of blind dates. These were the blind dates from hell. Partially because in her fat suit she was towering over the men and atleast 3 times there size. But more nightmarish because any comment she made was about her fatness. WHO DOES THAT? Apparently Tyra Banks. One can only imagine that when she is her fine skinny self she spends the entire date talking about her skinniness. I felt sorry for the clowns she went out with in her fat suit. They didn't seem all that bad. And honestly. Tyra. Inquiring minds want to know. Have YOU ever dated a 350lbs man (no. you cannot count any professional atheletes here.)? Or even better, because this would prove your saintliness, have you ever dated a poor AND fat man before?

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