Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The IRS Unleashed

I don't get a chance to watch the news all that often. But tonight I decided to kick back and watch the Rather network. They mostly covered the same old same old. North Koreans killing and beating defectors. (Although shocking to actually see on TV, if we were honest with ourselves we would know that this has been going on for years, and by not seeing the actual images we have chosen the comfort of denial and ignorance.) The next story on the discovery of prisoner abuse by Iraqis' in Iraq was inevitable. Honestly, can we really even pretend to be surprised by this? After all, we did set the unfortunate precedent with Abu Ghraib.

The last story was the most upsetting partially because it points to continuing malfeasance within the current administration. The All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California is under investigation by the IRS because of an anti-war sermon given by the church's former rector. In his sermon, he said

"President Bush has led us into war with Iraq as a response to terrorism. Yet I believe Jesus would say to Bush and Kerry: 'War is itself the most extreme form of terrorism. President Bush, you have not made dramatically clear what have been the human consequences of the war in Iraq... Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine. Forcibly changing the regime of an enemy that posed no imminent threat has led to disaster." - Rev. George Regas, former rector
Because visiting clergy had the gall to question Bush prior to the 2004 election, the IRS is now threatening to revoke the church's tax-exempt status. The IRS claims that the church interfered in the political campaign, even though it is clear that Regas never once suggested who parishioners should vote for.

This investigation by the IRS smacks of hypocrisy. It serves as yet another means for the current administration to stamp out dissent and those who speak against them. If the IRS were as very concerned with the political statements coming out of the pulpit (as they claim to be), why have they not threatened to revoke the tax-exempt status of those churchs that preached against Kerry as an enabler of murder and tried to deny him communion. Given recent events from the Valerie Plame incident (for which the administration still has not 'fessed up), it is hard to believe this investigation is just a coincidence.

Bush & Dick's ratings are still in the toilet. Although I relish their current discomfort, for whatever its worth, I do have a few words of advice. Instead of trying to muffle the opposition, engage in some real debate on the issues. Instead of rehashing the reasons for going to war, just admit mistakes were made. To err is human, and if Bush were more willing to admit to his mistakes and short comings ever so occasional, I am sure his approval ratings would rise.

In case you are interested in the details, here's a link to the story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it strange that between George and Dick (who I thought had died until a few days ago), one of them accused critics of being unpatriotic. Now I may have only received a 4 on the AP US History Exam, but I thought that part of being a patriot is your ability to question the government, especially if you feel that they are doing something wrong.