Monday, November 28, 2005

Club on the Hill

There's a new club on the Hill and it's down right exclusive. Not white? not male? not "Christian"? not Republican? why then you need not apply. (Note: it could help your cause if you are a former alcoholic)

The most recent member to make the news was Randy Cunningham. He's in deep doody with everyone from the IRS to the attorney general. Let's just say it doesn't pay to say "Show me the money" and then grant favors. To those of you who are still confused, it's called bribery. Other illustrious members include:
  1. I. Lewis Libby: author of smutty romance novels set in Japan, side-kick and lead henchman for Dr. Evil (aka. Dick Cheney), alleged leaker of information of double agent Valerie the Flame Plame
  2. Tom DeLay: former bug/pest exterminator (yes, I too wonder how he managed to not exterminate himself), former alcoholic turned born-again Christian (of the GWB variety), potential jailbait for playing at fuzzy math with campaign donations to his own private and personal PAC
  3. Bill Frist: alleged medical doctor who from video footage determined that Terri Schiavo's doctors erred in their diagnosis (no surprise, he was subsequently proven wrong), Martha Stewart wannabe who sold his HCA stock right before it tanked (wonder if his future jailhouse buddies will make him a chic knitted poncho), purported Republican presidential candidate for 2008 (What does Jeb have to say about that)
  4. Karl Rove: political wunderkind (evil genius?), suspected (and soon to be indicted?) outer of Valerie Plame, assassinator of character (remember John McCain's "illegitimate black daughter" that ended his bid for the presidency and Max Cleland, a quadriplegic Vietnam vet, who is "best friends" with Osama)
  5. Dick Cheney (aka Dr. Evil): former alcoholic (with multiple DUIs) who lives in a bunker - 'nuf said

Any other members to indict? oops. I meant induct. Let me know...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

6. Arnold Schwarzenegger - I don't care if his chief of staff is a democrat, a former director of an abortion rights group, a "high-profile" gay, or most shockingly of all, a woman. In my opinion, he still stucks.