Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Musings on the State of the Union

Here is my attempt at a stream of consciousness entry...

Wow. Talk about a pick me up for GWB. His approval ratings are sub-zero, but he gets applause every 20 seconds.

41st month of uninterrupted job growth? Who is he kidding? Jobs at Wal-Mart and McDs maybe.
Wages are rising? are you sure you are talking about real wages?
Yikes, some one in the audience is wearing a pale pink suit. Horrors!

Laura Bush looks like she has got botoxed. Talk about a frozen smile. And what is with the Gwen Stefani lips?

I wonder if Hillary's pearls are real? They are really big and very unpresidental. I doubt GWB would ever wear them.

Why are politicians ugly? Why does Dick Cheney look constipated?

Synchronous water drinking by Cheney and Bush? Coincidence... I think not.

It's so funny, only half the audience is giving Bush a standing ovation. But I suppose that is better than the 35% of the American public who approves of him.

I wonder if GWB has ever considered a brow lift. He should consider it.

"Succeed in Iraq" - what does that really mean? I need a definition. Ooooh. Only the Republicans are standing up. Nancy Pelosi looks like she sucked on a lemon. Or maybe she is trying to make her cheek bones look better.

Ok. So it was good of him to plug Darfur and Burma. It's a shame the Chinese and Russians won't let us do anything there.

This is boring...


Anonymous said...

I don't think success in Iraq is possible any more, unless we are willing to stay in Iraq for at least 10 more years.

Anonymous said...

The health insurance proposal was a backdoor tax increase without any real increase in the numbers of people holding mrdical insurance. There was nothing new on Iraq. I wonder are these people living in fantasyland or roaming around like Alice in Wonderland. They are just waiting for next president.