Monday, October 16, 2006


Guess who is No. 2 in the polls. You would think I'd be happy seeing as how it is not Michigan, but strangely I am not. Most bizarre sensation. In any case, the BCS has proven yet again how un-friggin'-believable they are (and not in a good way). What on earth has USC done to merit such fanatical devotion on the part of the BCS? I do not understand how a 28-21 win over a no-name, nothing Pac-10 team should vault anyone to a No. 2 spot. BCS must die! I want the Rose Bowl to be the way it was supposed to be...

Ok. So North Korea has a bomb. In my world, this is a not such a good thing. Call me crazy... my roommate does! You'd think the South Koreans and Chinese might be a bit concerned about the nuclear threat at their doorstep. But apparently not. Instead they are planning to undermine the Security Council's economic sanctions against the North Korean regime. Honestly, I cannot believe we fought a war for this Peninsula. If South Korea wants to play kiss-ass, I say we pull our troops out and let North Korea have their way with them. Also, who wants to guess how many days 'til Iran denotes their bomb, given all the internation uproar and condemation it will bring (*snicker*). 10... 9... 8...

Liberals and the McCain love fest. I do not get it! He is all over Bush (seriously, the hugs and kisses are enough to make you nauseous), and liberals defend with talk of how it is only "party politics". Yet when Lieberman votes for the Iraq War, praises Bush, he is forced to run as an Independent. I just don't get it. McCain voted for the war too! He is against time tables for leaving Iraq. He blames Bill Clinton (remember your god you liberal yahoos) for North Korea; I mean forget that Bush labelled them a core member of the Axis of Evil and then promptly forgot their existence. He is anti-abortion. He spoke at Bob Jones University, which would probably never allow his Bangladeshi daughter to set foot on campus. He was a member of the Keating Five, S&L disaster. For all his protestations, he still voted for a Bush endorsed torture bill. Honestly, McCain to me is dangerous. He is not a moral maverick. He is a hard core conservative, maybe not a Christian conservative, but still a hardcore conservative, and liberals should beware...


Mango Kiwi said...

i should also add that the usc game was at home for them.

Mango Kiwi said...

yes, i agree north korea having nukes is not a good thing since kim jong il is crazy, but the US and all powerful countries have nukes so why should the US be one to tell north korea they can't have nukes?

sonia said...

So here is my position on this. Technically, I suppose any country that did not sign the non-profileration treaty (which I think is an accepted international norm) has the right to have nuclear weapons, but that doesn't mean that I as an American want them to. Also if you view the non-proliferation treaty as a norm, like I do, even countries that do not sign should not have nukes.

Try this example. You are not supposed to bring guns to school. And people who do and are caught get expelled because they could hurt someone. I feel the same way about people who make nuclear weapons, they should be booted. I guess your question would be shouldn't the US, etc. be kicked out too? Well... yeah. Maybe we can pretend the US is the ineffective narc...