Monday, August 28, 2006

Stupid Men

This letter to the editor was in the local paper and it really, *really* irritated me, so I thought I would share.

God never intended for his son to come to this world to organize women to fight sin; only to be a help-mate. He organized men to fight sin.
God did not intend for women to be on the front lines in the Army to fight and kill men.
Listen women, God never intended for you to rule over men, but men to rule over you.

This annoyed me for so any reasons. (1) Why on earth would a newspaper print such a blatantly discriminatory and bigoted point of view? (2) How does such a clearly backward point of view still exist? How does this person even function? (3) The writer quotes the Bible (Luke, Matthew, and Genesis). Do all religions have such little respect for women?

I think if Hillary or Condi run for president I will vote for them, not because I like them, but to spite people like the author of the above. Hopefully, some day soon he will get a female boss who can *rule over him*.

1 comment:

Esha said...

Ridiculous...I expect this to be in the daily taliban or something..not in the lansing journal.