Thursday, February 09, 2006

Slip of the Tongue

Normally network news tries to be unbiased (obviously, Fox News is not "normal") to the point where they almost withhold the facts, but today Bob Schieffer slipped. He was questioning a correspondent about the role of the administration's secret wiretap - spy program in averting a potential terrorist attack in LA. When the correspondent replied that he believed the intelligence was gathered through "vigorous questioning", Schieffer queried, "Torture?". The silence was audible. He did try to dig himself out, by saying something to the extent of "not in this country". But the exchange was clearly odd, and the correspondent seemed rather surprised. Still while the right may decry Schieffer's comment as part of the liberal bias of main stream media, I say, slip of the tongue or not, at least someone spoke the truth.

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