Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Brokeback Bush

Bush is supposed to be the John Wayne President. With his "my way or the highway" attitude, big belt buckles, and cowboy hats that dwarf his head, Bush relishes his role as a rancher clearing brush.

So Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall wore flannel, but ranchers are ranchers, right?

So then why won't he go see 'Brokeback Mountain'? It's one of the year's most honored films. Does he not like gay people? That does not seem very compassionate. Maybe the movie makes ranchers look less manly. Does it bother him the a same sex couple has been portrayed so movingly on the big screen? Someone should ask him if he has seen 'Capote' or 'Transamerica'. Isn't it strange that as right-wing conservatives dominate America, the most critically praised movies are all about homosexuals (and transsexuals)?

Random Smart-ass student from KSU: You're a rancher. A lot of us here in Kansas are ranchers. I was just wanted to get your opinion on 'Brokeback Mountain,' if you've seen it yet.

Bush: You would love it. You should check it out.

The same awesome KSU student: You would love it. You should check it out.

Bush: grimace. pause. wince. I haven't seen it. I'd be glad to talk about ranching, but I haven't seen the movie.

You gotta love that guy from Kansas State.

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