Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Random Musings

There are a couple other of things that have been bothering me lately. Unfortunately, I don't understand any of the issues well enough to really say something substantive. But dammit. These things bother me and they should bother you too!
  1. Why do oil companies have record high profits when the average consumer is groaning under the weight of their energy bills? Are they price gauging us? They told Congress they weren't. But then Congress is slimy (they get plenty of campaign donations from energy companies) like a spineless jelly fish. I think the energy companies are in bed with Cheney (and I mean that figuratively and not literally in case there was any confusion which is actually quite understandable).

  2. France is the land of Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Voltaire. They made us the Statue of Liberty. Yet they are bow embroiled in the social ills of bigotry and racism. Although there have been disturbances in the past, the drama being played this week is surprising. Perhaps because in America we talk so openly about racism and cultural tensions, I mistakenly assumed that other countries would do the same if they had these problems. However, it is apparent that the French were simply living in denial and now their problems have boiled over. So much for placing preservation of "the society" above the rights of the minority?

  3. How does Condolezza Rice afford Ferragamo shoes? Perhaps we can use her salary to pay down the national debt. I didn't realize civil servants (although servants is perhaps an oxymoron) lived in such luxury.

  4. How could Bree do the "nasty" with George on the last episode of Desperate Housewives? She has great hair and could do much better, not to mention that her husband just died because George poisoned him. And quite frankly, George is just freaky - the psychotic version of "The 40-year old Virgin".

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