Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Ten Things I Hate About TV

Ok. So I don't have ten things. I just have five things. Or rather just five things I can think of right now.

1. How do the characters on CSI have new clothes each week when they probably get paid like $30,000/year (city salaries aren't fabulous)? And for that matter how does Carrie Bradshaw buy so many Manolo's? either her credit cards are maxed out or she has a Sugar Daddy besides Mr. Big.

2. Why don't they show real news on the news? I am so bored of the human interest stories where a cat got chased up a tree and won't come back down. Come on. Give me some real hard-core, muckracking journalism.

3. Why is every show really a boiled down romance novel? Almost every one hour "dramedy" is a soap. Even shows like LOST (the Jack-Kate-Sawyer triangle and what was up with the weird Shannon-Boone sexual tension), Alias, ER, Grey's Anatomy, even the crime shows have succumbed. Does this mean men wish they could read a Harlequin romance novels too?

4. Sports commentators. I have no idea how much they get paid, but I can certainly do a better job. After a big loss, they always ask players/coaches, "How do you feel?". Seriously how the hell do you think they feel? And their commentary? Dumb. Just plain dumb. They make Dan Ratherisms sound normal. I have come to the conclusion that sports commentators were really bad football players who got tackled too hard too many times and hence can no longer speak coherently.

5. Why do the Fox News anchors look like they are wearing makeup? Obviously when you are under the lights you need to put some on. But put a wig on some of these men and you would have ugly women. (But hey, they are Republicans.)

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