Friday, October 28, 2005

It's Lonely at the Top

Have you ever wondering if as a woman to "succeed" in politics you need to be "alone"? This is still an incomplete idea but it randomly came to mind, and I really want to get it down.

The winners...

1. Condoleeza Rice -- Unmarried. Incidentally she also has a strange gap in her front two teeth. Apparently, she accidentally referred to Bush as her husband in public once... very interesting. (Don't worry I am no conspiracy theorist. I am positive everything in that regard is on the up-and-up. Any pent up feelings she may have had were probably exhausted by shoe shopping trips, like the one to Ferragamo during Katrina. Personally, I am a Gucci girl myself.)

2. Janet Reno -- Unmarried. Again not terribly attractive. Will Ferrell played her in SNL skits. I don't think that was a compliment. But she was the Attorney General. She took down the Branch Dravidians. And told Rastafarians that bad hair wasn't an excuse to smoke marijuana. Hard core!

3. Hillary Clinton -- Married (with affection? questionable). Clearly a very influential woman. Perhaps she married for the influence? or maybe she stays married because of it.

4. Harriet Miers -- Unmarried. Another in the line of Bushie women who never got married. Sure she didn't make the Court, but she was senior White House counsel. She got to help define torture. Try telling Iraqis that's not power.

And the has beens...

1. Elizabeth Dole -- Remember her? If only she beat Bush. Those Viagra commercials her husband made probably didn't help much.

2. Geraldine Ferraro -- The first female VP who never was. Why? The Republicans smeared her because of her husband's business connections.

This is all I have at the moment. But there does seem to be a disturbing trend. I mean think about Oprah (she could go into politics and I am sure win by a landslide) and she's not married either. Does this mean successful women don't get married. Or if they do it's a marriage of convience?


Mango Kiwi said...

christie todd whitman is married and she was supposed to be an up and coming star, what happened to her?

with the case of janet reno, i think she was chosen because she was unmarried, remember how clinton went through two women who had those illegal baby sitters or something.

sandra day o'connor and ruth bader ginsburg are married -- and have children actually, so it's not a hard and fast rule.

perhaps being successful as a woman, you are less likely to be married because your career is so demanding and because men don't always want aggressive/smart women.

sonia said...

Excellent point on Whitman. Part of the problem with her is she is a "New England" Republican (e.g., not a crazy conservative). The Bush administration stuck her in an organization they didn't take seriously (the EPA) and then proceeded to contradict everything she said. It didn't take long for her to fall from there... I wonder what she likes more Gucci or Ferragamo.

Mango Kiwi said...

what is ferragamo? probably some brand i could never afford. i am not of the classy world.